How to forget about losing weight and avoid the effect of yo-yo?

Step 1 . Think what you really want

I only know two ways. With other cases I was rather not dealing with. The most funny thing is that most people want to achieve the effect of the second example (the more beautiful body), and uses the methods of the first. Not only that fast. All we want is fast.Shipping from the online store, service at the office and of course slimming. Best in a month, because you can spend so much.ABOUT! Monthly challenge! It will change my life! Unfortunately not...

If you want to forget about slimming you also have to forget about the hurry. Quick weight loss (big caloric deficit), even if your workouts are arranged by the world's greatest gurus, and on the plate you have rice bowl, chia seeds and chicken leg, leads to lower metabolism , and this always results in lost pounds. They are not good news if you have a wedding for a month, but next year's New Year's Eve you may no longer remember what it was like to be on a diet and have all these problems.

Now answer: Want fast, and for a moment or longer, but forever?

Step 2. Ask yourself: What is food for you?

Do you eat boredom, for example on days when you spend a lot of time at home, in the evenings? Does stress cause you to eat a lot of worthless food? Is eating a big part of your social gatherings? Do you consume?
If you read this post then it is quite probable that any of the replies are affirmative.
The food (attention, attention) is needed by humans to gain energy from it. Of course simplifying. The closer you are to such an approach, the better. Meal consumption should be as far away from any emotion. This does not mean that preparing and eating meals can not be fun. Food is not a remedy for emotional problems, emptiness in life, heart, overwork and the bottom.

I will give you an example. I have been writing this post for 3 hours. I wonder how to put it to have hands and feet, do graphics and write. During this time I do not think about eating. I know from experience that I have to watch the watch so that I do not miss the time of eating, because sometimes it is also an upset. I could not eat for 10 hours so I have flow. Thanks to the creation of the entry, I do not bore from boredom, and Agata would probably have been eating up garbage a year ago, because she would crawl around the house without a goal.

When someone tells me that I can not imagine life without chocolate, bread, meat, I have in mind one thought: I can not imagine life without my husband. Every culinary delicacies can disappear from the surface at the moment. I can manage without them (without vegetables it would be hard). I eat primarily to live. My life does not revolve around food, or at least I do.

Step 3. Physical activity like hair washing

After a few days of forced sitting at work, lying on a pool deck, or coughing for colds, do you miss physical activity? Then skip this part. If you are constantly on the move, it is still something that is limp in your case, I can explain something.

Training stops do not lead to anything good. As I wrote in the first paragraph, "fast" is not a good way to achieve a stable weight. The organism does not like being brought out of equilibrium. Cortisol is released, which is an ally of overweight. Our body likes to be on the move, oxygenate the tissues, the brain. Muscles and bones are so that a person can move, not sit or lie. Look at people with physical disabilities. Are not you a little stupid, they do not find excuses, and you healthy person you have them every day? Health is a great gift. Read it and take care of it regularly. Stay active day after day, week after week.

Example from Agata . I have been practicing for several years and there has been no break for several months due to eg a decline in motivation. Of course this is my job, and your not (Ding, ding! Excuse!). Performs some exercises and the same exercises are performed by a person who has a "monthly break". Why do I have effects and this person does not have them? Why do not I have a problem with being overweight and she has? I do not think I have to answer. We are made of the same clay. The laws of biology concern everyone in the same way.

Regularly means regularly. Do you practice as often as you wash your hair? Do you wash them at least twice a week? I hope ;). Do you have a monthly hair break? Half-year break ?! If you answer the same questions about the regularity of activity, it is a revelation, and if not, then in this sphere should be worked out.

What mistakes we make

1. I will clench my teeth, which is another time about "spikes" . 1000-1200 kcal and torture to fall exercises. Jo-jo guaranteed. The organism after such adventures is quite, and I'm not surprised at all, that it demands gluttony and laziness. I have been there many times, I checked, it does not work in the long run, I would not recommend!

2. External motivation. Relying on external motivation is in my opinion very ineffective and dangerous. Dangerous because it lingers, and then we do not work on our inner force, that is, that pushes us all our life. Over motivation you have to work in your own head, and not add another fit site to watch on facebook. Tight pants, party dates, bikini holidays. All this is great and motivates, but not enough for a lifetime.

3. Imbalance . We take on great changes, and we are completely disordered in the head and life. I know that sometimes our situations are astonishing and we can not prevent many things, but being in a toxic relationship, hated work can effectively prevent the achievement of health goals or good figure. Psychic calm must be the first and you should start with your changes.

4. Sleep . This is the topic for the next post, because he introduced me a great breakthrough. You do not even realize it. If you do not sleep then it is necessary to change it! Sometimes it is better to rest well than to do poor workout. Warning! Go to bed, not in bed with the TV turned on until midnight.

5. Cheating yourself. If someone tells me that they are eating perfectly and doing the perfect exercises, telling me about a clean diet and workout, and the effects for months are not there either someone lies here or does not see their mistakes.

6. Unrealistic expectations. If you are not going to work on accepting your look you will never be satisfied with the results. The human body is not plasticine. I used to believe very strongly that when I applied diet or exercise I would look like "someone". This moment never came, and I was unnecessarily puzzled because I was waiting for the impossible.

7. Imitate others. Do not imitate others. You need to adjust your nutrition and exercise so that you can happily apply your principles throughout your life.

What you've read here is my way of forgetting about eternal calorie count, weight training, weight loss, and yo-yo. I keep working on myself and day by day making choices that become easier and easier over time.

It is imperative to share with me your thoughts and ways to achieve a healthy weight loss plan.

5 situations when it is better to leave training

Do you persist in training? Leaving it seems to be a sign of weak character or insufficient motivation. Not for me.

When to leave training without feeling guilty? Today, you will discover five reasons why I choose less active time alternatives.

1. Sickness

Recently this point does not concern me too often. I hope this condition lasts as long as possible, but knowing one thing, colds, elevated temperature and training, is not a good combination. Precipitation of the body from the balance that occurs during intense physical exercise will not help us get back to full health soon. Of course, I do not encourage you to sit on the couch. Moderate movement can help you recover. So what? Home activities, racking, laundry, vacuuming. Cold is proving to be the perfect time to keep up with these arrears, and if you are a pedant and have no home or dust, you can choose to walk in the appropriate weather, clothing, stretching, yoga.

2. Spine pain

knees, elbows and any other joint, is a signal that something bad is going on. The body warns you and it is best to break the workout for a few days a week. If the pain persists or returns with the resumption of training, go to orthopaedy and end the discussion. The cause will not disappear by itself, and the symptoms will unfortunately, but they will get worse. I do not want to scare anyone but spine pain can be related even to tumor titres and any pressure during training or treatment on my own in a physiotherapist who has not received your research results may end up very badly.

3. Training or meal

Everyone can have their opinion, and that this is my blog will write you my. When everything is on my head and at home I am less than an hour during the day, it is usually the training I forgive, because of the hierarchy of priorities I choose a healthy home meal before exercise. It seems to me that the body is more important what we eat than how much we train. If it was a condition for doing the workout, it would be eating whatsoever I would give up the exercise, because it is meaningless for me to take care of health at the expense of health. In addition, I will add that the organization is the foundation and meals can be prepared earlier. He writes about a crisis situation, such as when our lunch box opens in a bag, and on the way to the gym is only confectionery and McDonald's;).

4. Time with loved ones

Here are very often excuses, because it is not about spending one time on the TV and the other with the cell phone, but to meet with friends that we care about, or do with our partner something we do not do every day. Everything can be lost. In training too, and neglecting relationships with people is not a good sign.

5. Short break

I would not take a fitness trainer for a weekend trip, because it always turns out that there is no use for it. Weekend is the only time you can afford to train, and you're just going to be in a cool place? Will you be guilty conscience? Think about me ;). I do not usually train myself in this situation. However, there is nothing to do to make stimulating puppies, or thirty sit-ups for good days.

I am very curious when you do free from exercise. Do you agree with me or do you have other priorities?

Supplementing a physically active person. Is it necessary?

Intensive workouts performed almost daily make the body's needs for micro, macroelements and vitamins increasing. After a while most people start thinking about buying diet supplements, because perhaps due to the increased activity in the body appeared deficiency. Especially often the idea of ​​supplementation with protein, vitamin and mineral preparations. Equally tempting are those that are intended to facilitate the attainment or maintenance of a particular form. BCAA, maybe "fat burners"? The need to reach for all sorts of preparations seems to be the greater the more popular and promoted by fitness influencers.

The question is:

Is supplementation of a physically active person necessary
Before I give you my opinion, I would like to clarify what I mean by using the term "active person". This is not a definition, but rather a way of perceiving me. It is a person who takes various kinds of physical activity:

systematically (several times a week)
for one's health
to maintain a proper body weight
to get adequate body weight (slow weight reduction)
to improve performance, endurance, strength, well-being
You could still exchange, but you know more or less what I mean. Supplementation with professional athletes or people who use similar training systems is a topic I do not deal with today, although I have a question.
After these initial findings I can return to the topic.

Supplementation is intended to supplement deficiencies that are caused by insufficient supply of specific food ingredients such as protein, minerals, vitamins. My opinion is that if something happens in natural food then we should do everything to deliver it in just such a way. One hundred years ago there were no isolates, hydrolysates and BCAAs, and people were very active (no car, TV remote, elevator, know anything), slim and did not know depression. How could they function without all these supplements ?! Well, they ate normal food. Today we prefer to use the processed products, and add them to the supplement and we think that the matter is solved. When I hear "Natural Protein Serum" I do not quite know how to understand it. How does a powder that does not even resemble food can be natural? Natural nuts are for me, fruits, vegetables. Vitamins in the tablet? It's so easy and you do not have to worry about it or place a valuable product on the plate, because after all we value ourselves to sip. You do not have to eat fruits that have sugar and supposedly fatten, vegetables that do not taste like Nutella. The solution is easy and not really expensive at all, because if we were to compare the vitamin package (splash) for 100 zlotys with a few portions of fresh, varied vegetables, fruit and many other food products every day, then the first one will probably come out cheaper. There is only one problem. Mother nature so it all came up with that natural, unprocessed food is a medicine and food for us, and supplements like a lottery - you are not sure what they do or do not harm.

My experience with supplements

I happened to finish some vitamin packs, I also took magnesium for a long time. I am not able to say if they were effective, but I see how effective is "improvising" diet. I see great changes since I eat better. Here, without hesitation, I find that it has an effect on fitness during exercise, regeneration, complexion, well-being, motivation.

I used BCAA for some time. Dissolved in water before aerobic or strength training. It is difficult to say whether there was any influence on me. Is there a point to take?

Protein nutrients you could see on the blog on the occasion of a recipe for protein waffles . It is such a small springboard from everyday life. I would not like my meals to be based on such products, although sometimes you can tweak the dish that way.

Interesting facts:

Vitamins derived from food can not be overdosed because the body has given them. Excessive consumption of supplements can lead to fatal consequences of overdose. Vitamin supplements should be ordered by a doctor.
Excessive protein intake acidifies the body, and this in turn impairs kidney function, causes osteoporosis. Acidic environment is ideal for the development of cancer. Do not overdo it with protein supplements.
Supplements are also probiotics, which have a great impact on the condition of the intestines, and consequently on our resistance. It is worth using!
Due to the climate, we are all at risk of vitamin D deficiency. In the winter months, we will be exposed to sunlight as soon as we show up.
Isotonic drinks can be successfully replaced with water with: honey, lemon and salt.
People on a low-calorie diet are properly condemned for shortages.

You already know my opinion about supplementation. A balanced diet will provide everything your body needs, but everyone can have their views and have different needs. I respect this.

Do you use supplements? Do you see positive effects?


Review of Sissel mats.Is there a universal mat for fitness and yoga?

A few weeks ago the Sissel brand offered me a test of the exercise mat and that you often ask me for advice on the selection of this particular hardware I thought was a great idea.

A good fitness mat makes the exercise even more satisfying and enjoyable. I do not belong to people complaining and from poverty I can do everything on the floor, but I do not see the point to get tired. In mat I most appreciate

appropriate softness
adhesion to the floor

Is the hardware I tested has it all?

You have to admit that 1.5 cm makes you have no chance to feel any bone on your body. I do not need that so soft support what does not mean that I was not happy to use it. If someone likes to sleep on a tougher mattress, he or she will be tempted to take a nap instead of stretching. The manufacturer ensures that the mat is "warm" and indeed it is. For relaxation exercises bomb. It just occurred to me that I had to try my head - it should work.

The adhesion of the mat to the substrate is very good. You can do dynamic exercises on it, although I do not recommend it. I do not know where the ideas come from so that during training do any jumps without shoes. Mat is not a substitute for adidas. If you do not want to wake up your baby, or piss your neighbors off the floor below and you decide to jump on the mat it's always in your shoes.

I can only roam, but in my opinion it is very durable equipment. After a month of use, I did not notice any damage, and I did not spare it. I already have some discernment and usually after the first "maturation" I know whether the mat will fall asleep. I did not notice that it absorbed sweat or was particularly susceptible to dirt.

And what are the disadvantages? I find it difficult to see them because the mat is very good quality. You can find that the price is high and yes, 255 zł is not a little, but hard to find cheaper mat with similar features. If any of you are planning to buy, then this should meet the most demanding. I will also tell you that having the most relaxing mat will not make the lazy person exercise regularly, it can only make the workouts more comfortable. Mata occupies a lot of space unfortunately. The manufacturer would suggest that you change the box in which the mat comes for anything (string, sleeve) to transport the mat.

Sissel Shop

Is there a universal mat for fitness and yoga?
What is the cheapest mat after the "nail test"?

See in the movie. Unfortunately, the current computer can not handle my creativity and film montage is really a mug, but next week will come to me new mega equipment and nothing will stand in the way of the vision I have. I can not wait!


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