Step 1 . Think what you really want
I only know two ways. With other cases I was rather not dealing with. The most funny thing is that most people want to achieve the effect of the second example (the more beautiful body), and uses the methods of the first. Not only that fast. All we want is fast.Shipping from the online store, service at the office and of course slimming. Best in a month, because you can spend so much.ABOUT! Monthly challenge! It will change my life! Unfortunately not...
If you want to forget about slimming you also have to forget about the hurry. Quick weight loss (big caloric deficit), even if your workouts are arranged by the world's greatest gurus, and on the plate you have rice bowl, chia seeds and chicken leg, leads to lower metabolism , and this always results in lost pounds. They are not good news if you have a wedding for a month, but next year's New Year's Eve you may no longer remember what it was like to be on a diet and have all these problems.
Now answer: Want fast, and for a moment or longer, but forever?
Step 2. Ask yourself: What is food for you?
Do you eat boredom, for example on days when you spend a lot of time at home, in the evenings? Does stress cause you to eat a lot of worthless food? Is eating a big part of your social gatherings? Do you consume?
If you read this post then it is quite probable that any of the replies are affirmative.
The food (attention, attention) is needed by humans to gain energy from it. Of course simplifying. The closer you are to such an approach, the better. Meal consumption should be as far away from any emotion. This does not mean that preparing and eating meals can not be fun. Food is not a remedy for emotional problems, emptiness in life, heart, overwork and the bottom.
I will give you an example. I have been writing this post for 3 hours. I wonder how to put it to have hands and feet, do graphics and write. During this time I do not think about eating. I know from experience that I have to watch the watch so that I do not miss the time of eating, because sometimes it is also an upset. I could not eat for 10 hours so I have flow. Thanks to the creation of the entry, I do not bore from boredom, and Agata would probably have been eating up garbage a year ago, because she would crawl around the house without a goal.
When someone tells me that I can not imagine life without chocolate, bread, meat, I have in mind one thought: I can not imagine life without my husband. Every culinary delicacies can disappear from the surface at the moment. I can manage without them (without vegetables it would be hard). I eat primarily to live. My life does not revolve around food, or at least I do.
Step 3. Physical activity like hair washing
After a few days of forced sitting at work, lying on a pool deck, or coughing for colds, do you miss physical activity? Then skip this part. If you are constantly on the move, it is still something that is limp in your case, I can explain something.
Training stops do not lead to anything good. As I wrote in the first paragraph, "fast" is not a good way to achieve a stable weight. The organism does not like being brought out of equilibrium. Cortisol is released, which is an ally of overweight. Our body likes to be on the move, oxygenate the tissues, the brain. Muscles and bones are so that a person can move, not sit or lie. Look at people with physical disabilities. Are not you a little stupid, they do not find excuses, and you healthy person you have them every day? Health is a great gift. Read it and take care of it regularly. Stay active day after day, week after week.
Example from Agata . I have been practicing for several years and there has been no break for several months due to eg a decline in motivation. Of course this is my job, and your not (Ding, ding! Excuse!). Performs some exercises and the same exercises are performed by a person who has a "monthly break". Why do I have effects and this person does not have them? Why do not I have a problem with being overweight and she has? I do not think I have to answer. We are made of the same clay. The laws of biology concern everyone in the same way.
Regularly means regularly. Do you practice as often as you wash your hair? Do you wash them at least twice a week? I hope ;). Do you have a monthly hair break? Half-year break ?! If you answer the same questions about the regularity of activity, it is a revelation, and if not, then in this sphere should be worked out.
What mistakes we make
1. I will clench my teeth, which is another time about "spikes" . 1000-1200 kcal and torture to fall exercises. Jo-jo guaranteed. The organism after such adventures is quite, and I'm not surprised at all, that it demands gluttony and laziness. I have been there many times, I checked, it does not work in the long run, I would not recommend!
2. External motivation. Relying on external motivation is in my opinion very ineffective and dangerous. Dangerous because it lingers, and then we do not work on our inner force, that is, that pushes us all our life. Over motivation you have to work in your own head, and not add another fit site to watch on facebook. Tight pants, party dates, bikini holidays. All this is great and motivates, but not enough for a lifetime.
3. Imbalance . We take on great changes, and we are completely disordered in the head and life. I know that sometimes our situations are astonishing and we can not prevent many things, but being in a toxic relationship, hated work can effectively prevent the achievement of health goals or good figure. Psychic calm must be the first and you should start with your changes.
4. Sleep . This is the topic for the next post, because he introduced me a great breakthrough. You do not even realize it. If you do not sleep then it is necessary to change it! Sometimes it is better to rest well than to do poor workout. Warning! Go to bed, not in bed with the TV turned on until midnight.
5. Cheating yourself. If someone tells me that they are eating perfectly and doing the perfect exercises, telling me about a clean diet and workout, and the effects for months are not there either someone lies here or does not see their mistakes.
6. Unrealistic expectations. If you are not going to work on accepting your look you will never be satisfied with the results. The human body is not plasticine. I used to believe very strongly that when I applied diet or exercise I would look like "someone". This moment never came, and I was unnecessarily puzzled because I was waiting for the impossible.
7. Imitate others. Do not imitate others. You need to adjust your nutrition and exercise so that you can happily apply your principles throughout your life.
What you've read here is my way of forgetting about eternal calorie count, weight training, weight loss, and yo-yo. I keep working on myself and day by day making choices that become easier and easier over time.
It is imperative to share with me your thoughts and ways to achieve a healthy weight loss plan.
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