Strength training at home - thigh exercises and buttocks with dumbbells

ćwiczenia na uda i pośladki z hantlami
You have written to me many times that you are using the previous lumbar exercise bucket and have asked for an alternative to it and that is why I am very happy to prepare another. Some exercises are repeated, but it is difficult to avoid, for example, squat in leg training. For this set of exercises apart from the dumbbell you need an elevation: a stable chair, a bench. It's best to knee height, because the lower the platform, the smaller the involvement of the buttock muscles, and probably the majority of women are aiming at those areas.

Adjustable dumbbells will be most suitable as the body gets used to the load quickly. As you increase the power you should increase the load. If you have at home two-kilogram weight we can also make this kit, but remember that the effects will not be so spectacular.Depending on the exercise (harder / easier for you) change the weight of your dumbbell. Of course I did not do it, because what you see on gifach is just a demonstration, not my training, so do not suggest what I hold in my hands.

It is best to set yourself in front of the mirror and observe your posture, as the additional burden will increase the negative effects of any incorrect technique. Remember not to block your knees, do not hunch, do not stoop in the slits and sit down.

The training that you will immediately see puts a lot of emphasis on the buttocks, thigh muscles, and back.

We start :)

I'm talking about the technique in the movie: 


1. Sit down on the bench
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions
Exercise that helps a lot in developing good technique. Pull your hips firmly backwards as if you wanted to sit on a chair and be beautifully erect at the same time. With grace ;). Use it later in the usual sit-ups.

2. Strikes
4 serie x 12 reps (2 steps) from right leg
4 serie x 12 reps (2 steps) from left leg

3. Elevation of hips resting on the bench
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions

4. Moving your legs over the bench
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on right leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on left leg
One repetition is the passage through the bench and back to the starting position. If you use a chair, try to move your foot so that your foot is not lower than the height at which you stand.

5. Dorm with dumbbell held under the shoulders
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions

6. "Dead String" on one leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on right leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on left leg

7. "Dead String" on one leg with support eg on the back of a chair
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on right leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on left leg

8. Enter the elevation
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on right leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on left leg
This exercise is important to raise height - to the knee level.

9. Supper with dumbbell held on shoulders
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) reps

10. Entering the elevation
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on right leg
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) repetitions on left leg
Keep your feet close to the height of the light.

11. Dead String
4 serie x 12 (up to 20) reps

Intervals between exercises and series may last from 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Before the training 10 minutes warm up, before each exercise it is good to do 1-2 series without load. These two actions will greatly protect against possible injury.

Perform stretching so that the muscles can get back to its natural length and look slender.

I hope this entry will be useful to you. Be sure to let me know what you think about the exercises. You try it? You know? Do you like? :)

18 exercises on the ball barefoot. Improve your technique. Engage the center of the body.

The excuses ended. BODY BALLS is already a standard equipment of many gyms. I can safely say that I have spent hundreds of hours with this equipment. There are witnesses! Now it's time for you. Instead of avoiding the ball in a wide arc and ignoring its presence, start using and benefit.

Bosu is an unstable device, so the whole body is involved in the work. They work on muscles that have not been forced to do so.

Do you have a problem with the improvement of the technique or is it not perfect? The trainer repeatedly says that you do not stretch your belly properly when exercising or fitness. It's not easy at all, but it's getting brighter due to the smell. At last you can see what is going on with this abdominal tension, because without it it is simply impossible to practice on the said ball. It is forced to straighten the back, improve the body posture during exercise and daily activities. Same Benefit. I convinced?

Of course the origins are not easy. They are fun. The pace of the exercise should be turned up depending on the stage, but for comfort I will say that it comes quite quickly. First, welcome, meet, and then you can go crazy a bit. Cardio and intervals become fun and fun.

In addition to jumping, the bodywork is well suited for individual body parts. Belly, back shoulders, legs ... Sample exercises you will find in the following gifach.

Cardio / Interval

work leg legs, belly, back


working buttocks, abdomen

working buttocks, back

They work their buttocks (with their), back

working back, buttocks, chest, shoulders

working chest, shoulders, stomach

works abdomen and shoulders

stomach :)


I have listed what parts of the body work, but of course, many exercises involve more muscle. In the end it's barefoot.

It is worth to include this equipment in your training plan, because one of the biggest training mistakes is to fall into the routine.Exercise only with weights, only running ... I think that physical fitness is not only strength, speed or flexibility and all taken together.

Do you use a barefoot?


13 exercises |Thighs, buttocks, belly

I have today sent you some ideas for exercises. We have a May weekend and it would be a pity to waste this free time, so I want to serve even a little inspiration.

If you want to use all the exercises then obviously you can. Then do each of them in 30 repetitions. Do the whole thing once and if you have more time and more energy then repeat twice!

In a few exercises I hold a roller, but it is easy to replace even with a brush from the brush in the dead string and the floor in the supports.

Let me know if you like this form of exercise presentations. I know that the most comfortable are gify, but I like to occasionally make a breath of freshness, and on YT and blog.

Keep warm! After the training will be sure :)


Who should you practice?Online workouts under the magnifying glass: Fitness blender.Which online program burns the belly?

In earlier entries from this cycle you could read what I think about
Ewa Chodakowska
Cassey Ho Blogilates
Tiffany Rothe
Mel B
Rebecce Louise
Natalia Gackiej

Today it was a track for a Channel 4 fitness blender . You often ask about him and I will write a few words about it.

Daniel and Kelli, that is the marriage that produces these workouts, show the exercises in a very accurate and professional way, hard to spot mistakes in technique or dangerous exercises. Plus! There are over 450 films of varying intensity on the channel. Another great plus! Of course I'm not able to see all of them, but I think that what I've got to know is enough to express an objective assessment. Workouts are of different lengths, so just turn on and practice.You do not have to worry about it to rewind the program from the beginning, to repeat it again. Maybe there is no energy like Mel B, but some programs look very demanding. In my opinion, it is worth practicing with the Fitness blender, but it is that people presenting exercises do it well does not mean that you do so. If you do not want to buy a gym pass or you do not have the opportunity to use a coach's advice, then I recommend investing in a mirror and carefully observe your posture during exercise. Better yet, get involved with the other person. Although at first. Even if your partner / daughter is not familiar with the exercises, they will probably notice some differences between your technique and your computer trainer technique.

In a more negative way I have to discuss the second part of this entry, namely:

Which online program burns the belly?

Know that if one of the internet trainers or a gym member asked for bumping exercises will show you the movements involving the body muscles that are most common in the world, or make you a slug and tell you what you want to hear or just have no idea about the basics in your profession. Once again I will remind you that there are no fat burning exercises on the individual parts of the body .

I know that women have a huge problem with accepting this sad truth to their message. They ask the trainer in the gym and they get the answer "do not burn only bacon". What does this woman do next? Instead of dedicating your energy to a logically reasonable workout, you will walk from the trainer to the trainer and look for someone who will give you the secret knowledge to get rid of the centimeters from the selected part of your body or otherwise. She will find you tube training with that name. More than a million views confirm my theory. Many women remain in the minds of the 90s magazines ...

Finally, I encourage those who have not yet done so to visit my channel and of course subscribe :) I am looking for a sound recording equipment so that I can speak to you during the exercises, so far I am working with what I have. Thank you for being with me!

My YT channel


Arms - correct feet setting.Take care of your knees!

Today's entry is dictated by my observations but also by your knee health questions. Many people are afraid to do sit-ups for fear of pain or injury, but the truth is that doing just fine will only bring benefits. Of course I'm not talking about people with serious injuries to this joint that qualify for rehabilitation. At the end of the post, you will find a movie in which there is nothing in the nutshell for those who prefer such a form of information transmission :).

Today it is a matter of setting foot in squats, and a very common mistake I focus on is putting the feet parallel to one another in a squat wider than the width of the hips . The wider the sit-down, the more negative the results bring about the duplication of this setting.

The rule is simple
Sit on the hips width -> feet parallel to each other
Adjacency wider than hips width -> toes set outside in the direction that indicates knee bending

The angle at which the feet are set relative to each other changes with the width of the squat and
Unfortunately, it is not universal, so every time you start a series, do one or two repetitions to make sure the direction of the knees and toes of the feet overlap.

On the gif below you see the wrong setting of the feet - I hope it is clearly visible. A few repetitions were enough for me to feel the unpleasant feeling of overload in the medial part of my knee and heard the wheezing. Many people make this mistake

Just look at the top and set your foot at another angle. The knee exactly shows how the angle is supposed to be. See this? :)

Such squat can be done almost without end, and the only experience is burning the muscles without any negative effects on our body.

In the film I explain it while showing, so I invite you to watch

There may be a lot of errors in the technique of making sit-ups. I have already written about it more than once, but if there is still a question that I should divide into the first part then I ask for suggestions.
Happy training :)

8 dinners - simple dishes

8 dinners - simple dishes
Sometimes I allow myself to experience more culinary experiments, but usually my dinners are very simple and the best I can do.The preparation does not take much time and my palate is accustomed to cooked vegetables and groats. I do not have to add anything to lard or sprinkle with grated cheese. A man who feels real hunger can savor a cauliflower or a tomato. Obsessive need for continuous food makes us practically do not know what a real hunger is and we only want high processed or sweets.

It's not hard to notice that I do not eat a lot of meat. From time to time a chicken breast appears and red meat is eaten only at the mother's or mother's dinner. Paleo diet would be impractical for me. I rather lean towards a vegetarian diet and maybe someday I will feel the need to completely give up the meat, because unfortunately, the less I eat, the less I taste.

I very much like to look at another plate to look for inspiration, so for the last time I tried to take pictures of my meals. Believe it is not easy for me, because every time I have a great desire to throw a shovel just after taking it out of the pan.

chicken soup, corn noodles, vegetables and chillies


Buttock exercises without sit-ups

Exercises that I will do on vacation
This year I decided that I would practice on vacation. It fell on the buttocks, because I know that I still have a lot of energy in it. I do not feel that I exploit them excessively during my daily exercise. I do not want to hear about sit-ups - thighs have a rest!
In addition, I will happily stretch and relax my body on the roller. Maybe the running shoes will fall into the suitcase ...

Entry on roller <click>

No sit-ups and stunts
The vast majority of programs to take care of buttocks include a whole host of sit-ups and different types of footage. Exercises that you will soon see involve mainly the buttocks and the two-legged thighs. Very often you asked for such a program, so to my and I hope your joy is!

Extra load
It is very useful if the exercise is for you everyday bread. It saves some time and helps in achieving results. The effects are better and faster. I'm going on holiday by car so I have no problem with transporting my weights. Exercise rubber should not be in anyone's bag, and can be practiced with almost the whole body.
In many hotels you can just go to the gym, but in my situation (very short break) it is a shame to waste the views. I choose a faster solution.

Weight entry <click>

How many repetitions? How many series?
Depending on weight weights, rubber resistance or lack of any load it can be 15-30 repetitions of each exercise. One series is a cool exercise, and you can repeat it and feel a lot of muscle fatigue.

Will be usefull? : D

Nice girl vacation!

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